Take “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,” multiply it by ... Kris Kringle impersonators attended workshops on makeup and marketing, beard care and Santa ethics. More than 550 Santas answered ...
Here comes the real Santa Claus ... combined with a thick beard, is very reminiscent of the figure we have in mind when we think of Santa Claus.” Saint Nicholas of Myra — known for only ...
Some of the best Far Side holiday strips ... While it is known that Santa Claus has a large belly, a red suit and hat, and a white beard, the health risks Santa's weight poses in emergency surgery ...
Trump listened again and chuckled before saying, "Well, you just enjoy… Father Christmas, Père Noël, St. Nicholas, Babbo Natale, Santa Claus: The jolly old man with a white beard is an ...
On the week before Christmas, he escapes from prison dressed as Santa Claus due to his uncanny resemblance to St. Nick resulting from his long white beard and ... he is the real Santa Claus.