Three tropical cyclones are active simultaneously in this ocean basin. That’s rare. For just the third time in over 27 years, ...
The storms could be indicative of a waning La Niña and warming oceans in the Pacific. Alfred is forecast to swirl over ocean water of 83 to 86 ... cyclone season on record in the South Pacific ...
Tropical cyclone is the catch-all term for the powerful, spinning storms that feed off warm oceans and the strength of which ...
Three tropical cyclones are spinning in the South Pacific, an occurrence that scientists say is unusual. Tropical cyclones ...
(CNN) — Surging tropical activity in the South Pacific Ocean produced a relatively rare occurrence Tuesday: three named tropical cyclones active at the same time: Alfred, Rae and Seru.
Three tropical cyclones ... the South Pacific, an occurrence that scientists say is unusual. Tropical cyclones Rae, Seru and Alfred are all churning as the region is in the peak of a season ...