In the three-point attitude and descending straight ahead, you are utterly ignorant of anything that lies in front of you.
Off in the distances I can hear the familiar scream-like call of a blue jay. The sound pierces through the yellow and orange autumn maple leaves on a crisp blue sky day. I sit enjoying the sunshine, ...
Like many in the Northland, I maintain bird feeders throughout winter. Spending money on bird food seems very worth it when I can look out on a subzero morning and watch the antics of these avian ...
Not only are there less homes for Florida scrub jay families today, but potential territories and mates are farther away; flying to them is dangerous for a stay-at-home bird species.
Many colorful species are absent or in dulled-down winter plumage (yes, blue jays and male northern ... “What It’s Like to Be a Bird: From Flying to Nesting, Eating to Singing — What Birds ...
Officials with the Jay County Emergency Management Agency and the sheriff's department said in a release they are monitoring reports of drones flying over ... also known as bird flu — "remain ...
INDIANA - More than 2.5 million egg-laying birds are now under quarantine in Indiana. What we know The Indiana State Board of ...
These birds undertake incredible journeys from northern Mongolia, parts of Tibet and China, and Russia and Siberia’s tundra, seeking respite from harsh winters, flying towards the abundant food ...
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security is reminding citizens that shooting down drones or chasing down drone operators could land Hoosiers in hot water, including a stint in ...
Jay and Jackson counties — along with nearby Ohio locations. Many of these drone sightings have been tied to farms that are currently under quarantine by the Board of Animal Health due to bird ...
Indiana animal health officials have reported bird flu outbreaks in January at poultry farms in Adams, Allen, Jackson, Jay and Shelby ... who may be legally flying the aircraft.