From racial terror to literacy tests to modern-day voter suppression, efforts to silence Black political power have never stopped.
A new study challenges the long-held notion that American voters categorically reject candidates who identify as atheists.
The bill would also prevent local governments and parents from barring mental health therapy for transgender minors.
Even more importantly, the math for ranked choice voting just doesn’t work out. Dr. Kenneth Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem — ...
Kingsport, requires law enforcement to collect a biological specimen for DNA analysis from individuals arrested for felony ...
Elon Musk has said Grok would favor truth over "political correctness." Internal documents reveal how the company is working toward Musk's goal.
Everyone remembers the childhood games of musical chairs and hot potato. This game combines the two for a fun wedding-style ...
Sample ballots contain the names and races voters will see on their actual ballots and information about how to vote, where to drop off mail ballots or vote in person and a map of the voting centers.
The Council approved the proposal in an 8-4 vote at its special-called meeting ... The move was not as extreme as what ...
In a hotly contested election for local Republican party leadership in Williamson County, TN, Simple Proof, a company that ...
Four Wisconsin voters whose ballots were not counted in the November presidential election initiated a class-action lawsuit Thursday seeking $175,000 in damages each. The voters were among 193 in ...
Tap here for a Flowood sample ballot | Tap here for a Brandon sample ballot. The website for the Mississippi Secretary of State's Office has voter information, including where to vote and deadlines ...