You might be paying bank fees without even noticing. Learn what some of the most common fees are and how you can bypass them.
Real estate mogul and reality TV star Ryan Serhant has opened up about the snarl of hidden fees in the process of buying or ...
With a new oligarchical-adjacent administration in the White House, many people are aiming to relocate. But can your wallet ...
This news brief exposes the hidden fees some retailers charge for cash-back services, potentially costing consumers millions ...
Landlords and businesses would be required to advertise the full price of their services under new legislation introduced in ...
Failing to investigate how much you are charged could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars later in life.
The hidden costs of website neglect—security breaches, poor performance, lost customers and damaged trust—are far too high.
A federal court in New York declined to send a consumer class action against a waterpark operator to arbitration. Consumers ...
When Mean Green public relations students put the finishing touches on a senior project, they discovered that their ...
The Federal Trade Commission and the State of Colorado filed a complaint against the rental property manager alleging it has ...
The students in the UNT Mayborn School of Journalism teamed up with the Dallas-based Child Poverty Action Lab in a project ...
Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular every day. Here's what you need to know about the cost of ownership.