An undeveloped Ramapo property contaminated by the dumping of toxic paint sludge has been earmarked for cleanup under the state Superfund program.
Sign up for programs before the deadline to ensure space and materials are available. The Apple Valley Senior Center is located at 14601 Hayes Road. Contact: 952-953-2345, 952-953-2300. It is ...
Just in time to start thinking about spring cleaning as warmer weather arrives, Salamanca residents are encouraged to ...
Mark your calendars for the county-wide clean up starting on Saturday, March 29, and ending on Saturday, April 5.  The annual county-wide clean up is organized by the Jessamine County Fiscal Court and ...
Volunteers take to the rivers and surrounding areas to pick up trash and debris, while promoting environmental stewardship.
The township manager, along with local businesses and PennDOT, are in talks to sponsor an "Adopt-A-Highway" program.
Recent health inspections in Farmington Hills restaurants revealed food safety violations, including expired ingredients.
The Fryeburg Academy boys’ alpine team placed second overall in a competitive Class A Alpine Championships last week at ...
FARMINGTON — Blanche Rhea, mayor of Farmington, is accusing a town councilor of creating a hostile work environment after he ...
Democrats and advocates see the bill as a necessary step for a 21st-century grid amid a larger project of electrification.
Lakeville Parks and Recreation’s Easter Egg Scramble is coming up on April 5. Families will get to meet the Easter Bunny, enjoy a buffet breakfast and sing along to music.