Butte's Irish dancers step their way to St. Patrick's Day

Irish dancing has been called many things over the years, but "whimsical skedaddling" may be the best. Dan Crooks dubs Irish ...
For centuries, Irish dancing has been a vibrant part of Irish culture. To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, we've got a special ...
Lisa Petri, owner, and Kaitlin Durkin, dancer, join us in studio to talk about the pub crawl and the Doherty Petri School of ...
The Irish American Club's St. Patrick's Parade will be held on Sunday at noon in Portland. The route goes along Commercial ...
"This is our time to shine:" The Cass-Barrington Academy is preparing for the World Championships in Europe, but first St.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - This weekend offers a variety of exciting experiences, from lively Irish song and dance to a peaceful ...
To celebrate the St. Patrick's Day holiday, the Woodridge Public Library will once again welcome a fast-stepping, festive ...
Saturday’s West Suburban Irish Naperville St. Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown Naperville is a true community event, featuring more than 3,000 participants and typically bringing out ...