Brazilian officials say the highway is one of 30 major construction projects to prepare for the COP30. Critics say it’s ...
An interdisciplinary team affiliated with a host of institutions across China, working with one colleague from Singapore and ...
With the U.S. federal government suspending its climate work for at least two years, local mobilization to reduce York’s ...
Slush canons, snow bots and possibly heat pumps could help preserve ice on Ottawa’s Rideau Canal as winters shrink.
The mass extinction that ended the Permian geological epoch, 252 million years ago, wiped out most animals living on Earth.
Western Europe’s largest lake—are under threat as its waters warm and become increasingly stagnant. “Little by little, the ...
Spring is warming across the U.S., but the southern tier, and specifically the Southwest, is seeing the most warming ...
Altered Precipitation Patterns Global warming is increasingly recognized for its role in altering precipitation patterns ...