Soluções visam, além da recuperação da mobilidade, melhorias na condição funcional dos pacientes, ampliando sua autonomia na ...
Political theorist Elke Schwarz talks to The Conversation Weekly podcast on her new research about venture capital investment ...
Sem freios e contrapesos eficazes e com a moderação de conteúdo a cargo dos usuários, quem ganha o debate político nas redes ...
Enormous sums of venture capital money and influence is pouring into a defence industry which is being reshaped in the image of Silicon Valley.
¿Por qué se ha tardado tanto en alcanzar un acuerdo? ¿Cómo llegará la ayuda a los gazatíes? Estas son sólo algunas de las ...
Chaque hiver, la mégapole de Delhi tousse à cause d’une pollution de l’air dangereuse. Le brûlis des pailles de riz par les ...
Derrière les épisodes de pollution sévère qui touchent Delhi et sa région chaque année, ce sont les pratiques agricoles de ...
After years of legal challenges between Australian manufacturers and American footwear giant Deckers Brands, UGG Since 1974 ...
From nausea and vomiting to brain swelling and erection problems. These are just some of the side effects of melanotan-II.
Why did it take so long to reach an agreement? How will aid get to Gazans in need? These are just some of the issues left ...
For insurers, it’s simply becoming too expensive to do business in California. That will have ripple effects on the cost of ...
Upaya-upaya mewariskan pengetahuan bencana belum berjalan mulus karena masih bergantung pada pihak eksternal dan cenderung ...