Ross Township, PA | Official Website
1000 Ross Municipal Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Administration: 412-931-7055 Public Works: 412-931-3956 Police Records: 412-931-9070 Community Development: 412-931-7048 Parks and Recreation: 412-931-7041. Contact Us. Administrative Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 3:30 PM
About Us | Ross Township, PA
Ross Township is a commercial center and residential community, located in the North Hills, just minutes north of downtown Pittsburgh. Ross Township strives to support an established community fostered in unity, family and civic pride.
Government | Ross Township, PA
Ross Township is governed by the Board of Commissioners as established under the First-Class Township Code. The Board plays the central role in township government by serving as the main legislative body of Ross Township. Boards, Agendas, Meetings and More. Check out the Boards & Commissions of Ross Township, their purpose, and members.
Board of Commissioners | Ross Township, PA
May 2, 2014 · Ross Township is governed by the Board of Commissioners as established under the First-Class Township Code. The Board plays the central role in township government by serving as the main legislative body.
Elected Officials | Ross Township, PA
The ward commissioners meet twice a month to make decisions for the Township. Ross Township Legislators. Browse contact information for the state representatives of Ross Township. Other Elected Officials. View contact information for other elected officials that serve the Township.
Taxes | Ross Township, PA
Jul 1, 2024 · Matthew Mager is the elected Tax Collector for Ross Township. He has deputized Jordan Tax Service to collect the real estate tax for Ross Township and the North Hills School District. Jordan Tax Service also collects payments for sewage.
Administration | Ross Township, PA
Ross Township's Administrative Department is responsible for implementing government policy alongside an academic discipline that studies implementation and prepares its civil servants working in public service. The Township Manager serves …
Building | Ross Township, PA
Ross Township has adopted the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code which presently adheres to the 2018 International Building Codes.
Parks & Recreation | Ross Township, PA
The mission of the Ross Township Parks and Recreation Department is to provide a variety of leisure activities and facilities that will develop and satisfy your recreational needs.
Boards, Agendas, Meetings and More | Ross Township, PA
Check out the Boards & Commissions of Ross Township, their purpose, and members.